Sunday, June 5, 2011

Review of Children's Educational Books

I have been fortunate enough to review a series of educational books for children by Sylvan Dell Publishing. These books are appropriate for ages 5-10. All of the following books have vivid illustrations and fun learning activities to enhance the learning experience for your child.

Habitat Spy - Written by Cynthia Kieber-King and Illustrated by Christina Wald
This book is a fun spin on the eye spy game. This book takes you from the backyard to the mountain tops to the ocean. It teaches the child to identify 4 differnet living things in eachhabitat.

Meet The Planets - Written by John McGranaghan and Illustrated by Laurie Allen Klein
This book presents the planets in a mock popularity competition. The unique attributes of each planet are displayed in a fun way that helps kids want to learn more.

The Glaciers Are Melting - Written by Donna Love and Illustrated by Sherman Bersani
This book is told in a Chicken Little style. Peter Pika is concerned and goes to all the animals on his way to the Mountain Monarch, looking for help to stop the glaciers from melting. The story has fear, trickery and faith. This story introduces kids to environmental responsibility.

Deep In The Desert - Written by Rhonda Lucas Donald and Illustrated by Sherry Neidigh
This book is unique in that the stories are set to song. Old faves such as Pop Goes The Weasel tells the story of the gila monster. There are over 10 rewritten songs to tell the tale of life in the desert.

Big Cat, Little Kitty - Written by Scotti Cohn and Illustrated by Susan Detwiler
This book was my favorite. It follows the daily activities of many large cats through a week and compares these activities to a small house cat. The story show the differences between the large and small cats, and the similarities. I found this to be an educational book on the animal kingdom, but also a good book on diversity.

I reccomend the books to anyone who is involved with young children. My grand daughter is 4 and loves these stories. I give all of these Sylvan Dell Publishing books 5 stars.

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